Working for a charity that helps people who are experiencing domestic abuse, we realise that Christmas doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. What for many is a time of celebration, for some can be a time of heightened anxiety. Our 24-hour telephone helpline service will be available throughout Christmas and New Year.
Refuge Opening Hours
These are our Refuge opening times over Christmas and New Year:
- Saturday 23rd December: 9.30-13.30
- Sunday 24th December: 9.30-11.30
- Christmas Day: Closed
- Boxing Day: Closed
- Wednesday 27th December: 9.30-20.00
- Thursday 28th December: 9.30-20.00
- Friday 29th December: 9.30-20.00
- Saturday 30th December: 9.30-13.30
- Sunday 31st December: 9.30-11.30
- New Year's Day: Closed
- Tuesday 2nd January: 9.30-20:00
Highlights of the Year
2017 has been a busy year for us. We’ve been expanding the services that we are able to offer people who are experiencing domestic abuse and we have hosted a number of successful fundraising events. Here are some of our highlights:
- Securing funding for a new refuge in Norwich. This was partly funded by a share of government money that was awarded to local councils.
- Running a fundraising campaign with the Eastern Daily Press. The aim is to raise £10,000 to decorate the new refuge. As well as monetary donations, businesses have been donating their services for free.
- Being the chosen charity at the Norwich Beer Festival. Held in October in St Andrew’s Hall in Norwich. Fans of Real Ale and Cider helped raise over £7,000.
- Our Annual Ball. The yearly black-tie event at Sprowston Manor was attended by over 150 people in November.
- Our Annual Conference. This year’s conference focussed on the impact that domestic abuse has on children and young people. An excellent day featuring thought-provoking talks from guest speakers and a powerful play by Certain Curtain Theatre.
- Charity of the Year. The Norwich employment agency Staff Call and the Norwich and Norfolk Junior Lawyer Division both named us their charity of the year.
- New Patron. Leeway was delighted to welcome Georgina Holloway as a patron in September, joining Nina Nannar and Chrissie Jackson.
- Pilot Project. Our CAYPO (Children and Young People Outreach) team has started a pilot project through Comic relief funding for teenagers who are aggressive and display abusive behaviours to non-aggressive parents and siblings. The team have also secured funding for another two years from Children in Need.
- Feature Writer. Our Chief executive, Mandy Proctor has had a series of columns on issues related to domestic abuse published in the EDP. Following on from her feature about Football & Domestic Abuse, Women’s Aid CEO, Katie Ghose had similar articles published in the Sun.
- Quiz Nights. Our quarterly quiz nights have proved popular. We’ll be promoting the 2018 quizzes here and through our social media feeds.
Plans for 2018
We’ll be opening our new refuge in 2018. These extra bedrooms will enable us to provide support to more women and children. As always, our central focus will be providing a high-quality service to people experiencing domestic abuse. We will also continue our community-based work: raising awareness of the work we do and also of domestic abuse in general.
Thank you to everyone that has supported us in any way over the last year. It is hugely appreciated and will make a massive difference. We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Our 24-hour helpline number is 0300 561 0077. If you are in immediate danger, call 999.