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Supporting Leeway’s White Ribbon Campaign

30 November 2021
white ribbon forms bow in outstretched hands

The 25th of November marked White Ribbon Day and the start of a global 16-day action period, where awareness is raised of domestic abuse and the wider issue of violence against women and girls. 

The White Ribbon campaign serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in tackling domestic abuse, as well as highlighting the support that is available locally for those experiencing it. 

What is White Ribbon Day? 

The white ribbon has been a symbol of unity for all the people committed to preventing and eliminating all the forms of violence against women. It has been the symbol of the international campaign since 1989. The campaign lasts for 16 days, starting on White ribbon day: the 25th of November. 

This time period is referred to as the 16 days of action with events taking place across the world to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

The White Ribbon Campaign is active in over 60 nations across the world including Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Italy, and the UK.

Leeway’s Campaign

The Sarah Everard murder, earlier this year, has brought the issue of violence against women and girls to everyone’s attention and has shown how much work there is to be done to raise awareness. 

Throughout the 16 days, Leeway will be posting facts, stats, details on how to access support, as well as information on some of the work being done locally to tackle domestic abuse. 

We hope to raise awareness within our local community, highlighting the role that everyone has to play in tackling domestic abuse, whilst sharing the important message that it is not tolerated in our society. 

Please share, like, or retweet our posts during this period to help us to spread the message as widely as possible! It may also help to get information to someone that needs Leeway’s help. 

Our Twitter is @LeewayDV and our Facebook page is Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services. Thank you for your support – let’s spread the message to as many people as possible!