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Leeway’s Annual Easter Egg Appeal is Live

01 April 2022

easter egg appeal

You may have seen on our social media platforms that we are running our Easter Egg Appeal again this year, collecting chocolate eggs for the children that we support in refuge. The response we have had in previous years has been fantastic and we are hugely appreciative of all the support we have received.

We have been running the Appeal for quite a few years now and it has always been well supported and well received by our residents in refuge.

Many of the people that we support in refuge often leave their home in a hurry and don’t take many, if any, personal belongings with them. It can be especially hard for children, who may have moved away from their friends and may not have as many toys or games that other children their age may have.

Our Easter Egg Appeal is a chance to put a smile on the children’s faces and to spread some joy over the Easter period.

How to Donate

It is really simple to donate to our Easter Egg Appeal – simply buy an Easter Egg from any good retailer and get it to our drop-off location before the closing date! Our drop-off location can be found at:

79 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1UA (entrance on Cremorne Lane)

The location will be open between 10am – 3pm on Monday to Friday.

We’ll organise all the donations we receive and distribute them to our 9 refuges/safe houses across the county.

The closing date for the Easter Egg Appeal is Tuesday 12th April.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Donations Officer on